A Season for Giving
End of the Year Fund Drive
I hope this message finds you in vibrant health and uplifting spirits as we step into the 2024 holiday season. This year has brought many blessings, from inspiring programs and events to the continual guidance and love of our cherished Rev. Angela, who leads us with such grace on our spiritual paths.
To sustain the beautiful work we are co-creating, we’ve taken a significant amount from our savings to support our daily operations. While we are grateful to have reserves to draw upon, this practice is not sustainable in the long term. With this in mind, I warmly invite each of us to participate in our End-of-Year Fund Drive.
I invite each of us to hold the financial well-being of our community in the highest light and contribute what we can to ensure Unity by the Shore continues to thrive. Personally, I find it easy and fulfilling to set up a monthly tithe online, which is automatically processed on a set date. This way, I can also make additional contributions for “special events,” such as classes or workshops, in a way that’s most convenient—usually online.
All forms of contribution, however, are wholeheartedly welcomed and appreciated. As we give from our hearts, may we remember that “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). Let us come together in gratitude, embracing the divine flow of giving and receiving, to support the community that nurtures us all.
Wishing each of you a holiday season filled with peace, joy, and blessings.
With love and gratitude,
Lindy Stork
Treasure of UBTS Board of Trustees