Due to COVID-19, ALL Spiritual Book Study offerings will be conducted
via ZOOM Webinar until further notice.
Registration for this class is CLOSED.
Participants are being notified directly by Rev. Angela of the ZOOM link.

8-Week Book Study offered at 2 different times:
Thursdays, February 13th – April 9th 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Tuesdays, February 18th – April 14th 6:30-8:45 p.m.
Unity by the Shore
3508 Asbury Ave., Neptune, NJ 07753
The Untethered Soul
Living from a Place of Surrender in 2020
By: Michael Singer
Did you ever have the desire to take a vacation from yourself? I mean to get away from your fearful, anxious, obsessive, angry, and/or critical thoughts and ways of being. If you answered yes to my query, you are not alone.
According to Michael Singer, author of The Untethered Soul, “There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.” This may seem confusing. What Singer is trying to convey is that we must learn to distinguish our core Divine Essence, Wise One within, from our conditioned personality self that each one of us have adopted in order to survive everyday living.
Distinguishing the voice of our personality from our Wise Observer and Knower is one of the many concepts that will be discussed.
Other pivotal concepts that will be explored are:
- Freedom from Struggle
- Clarity and Calm
- Harmony in Relationships
- Spontaneous Joy
- Creative Inspiration
- Energetic Renewal
This class will require participants to read chapters in between classes.
Facilitator: Rev. Angela Denton MA; P.D. MFT
Required Text: Untethered Soul by Michael Singer
Fee: Love Offering