Dear Friends,
For the last few years, I have had the sacred honor and privilege of presiding over an annual remembrance service. During this service, we came together to acknowledge the members and friends of Unity by the Shore along with your personal loved ones who have made their transition during that calendar year.
During this year’s “A Time of Loss… A Time of Transcendence” service, we will recognize and celebrate the beautiful souls of Rev. Joanne Murphy and Mary Carlucci, as well as, your dear ones who have journeyed beyond the veil in 2020. If a loved one(s) of yours has made his/her/their transition in 2020, and you would like his/her/their name to be acknowledged in a prayer during the service, please share his/her/their full name and relation to you (sister, friend, dog) with me by completing the form below by December 11th. I realize that our pets are precious, so if a winged or furry family member has made its transition, please share its name with me as well.
This year has been filled with many forms of loss, such as, the loss of employment, income, hugs, gatherings, and a lifestyle which we had grown accustomed to. Therefore, I thought it would be healing if our ceremonial practices during this year’s special service were also devoted to acknowledging all forms of loss. Lastly, our ceremonial time together will end with reflecting on the Divine qualities you would like to animate in your life and into the lives of others. Let us remember that death in its many forms is a doorway to new life if we are willing to acknowledge, embrace, and allow our grief to open our hearts to a greater capacity to love and be loved.
On the day of the service, I invite you to have handy with you 2 heart shaped paper cut outs and 1 star paper cut out that will be used during the service. These do not have to be anything fancy. Simple hand traced cut out shapes will do. Additionally, If you would like to include in your Zoom virtual space an image(s) of your beloved(s) or a small memento that reminds you of him/her/them please do so.
Let us come together during our “Time of Loss… A Time of Transcendence” service to hold sacred space for one another, heal, and commit to be transformed and renewed by the healing power of Divine Love and Grace.
Rev. Angela