Ramananda John Welshons
“Living in the Peace Which Passeth All Understanding”
March 17, 2019
12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Suggested Love Offering: $30
Join Ramananda for this soothing, restorative afternoon workshop combining periods of deep meditation with discussion about the path to living fully in the Light of Love, Peace, and Joy
You will participate in and learn:
* Meditations for letting go of anxiety, anger, and fear
* Meditations for increasing our experience of Love, Peace, and Joy
* Tools for allowing our “outer life” to become a reflection of our “inner life.”
* How to Allow your daily life to support spiritual growth
Participants finish the workshop feeling a refreshing calm serenity, and a deepening of one’s dedication to spiritual awakening and growth.
RAMANANDA JOHN E. WELSHONS is a highly respected contemporary spiritual teacher who weaves together the mystical and contemplative branches of the world’s great wisdom traditions. He lectures and leads meditation workshops and retreats across North America, and is one of our most respected authorities on how to use life’s inevitable difficulties as the steps on our path of spiritual awakening. He has been closely affiliated with spiritual luminaries, Ram Dass and Stephen Levine, and trained with Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. He has been practicing various forms of meditation and yoga for nearly 50 years, and has traveled and studied extensively in India – spending time in the ashrams of Neem Karoli Baba and Meher Baba. He is the author of three critically-acclaimed books: One Soul, One Love, One Heart; Awakening From Grief; and When Prayers Aren’t Answered – all published by New World Library. His website is: www.onesoulonelove.com. He also invites you to connect with him on Facebook