Let’s be honest; for the last eighteen months, our focus has mostly been on “when can we get back to normal.” In the process, we have bypassed the opportunity to accept and let go. “Honoring Grief, Together: A Journey into Winter’s Dream” is a creative and collaborative workshop experience that will allow us to explore a part of our lives that we may have bypassed during the pandemic: Grief.
- What is grief?
- How does it show up?
- How can we recognize grief, accept its gifts for healing, and embrace renewed excitement for life?
“Honoring Grief, Together: A Journey into Winter’s Dream” will embrace wisdom and opportunity, using the cycle of the seasons. Winter is a time to look within, clear what may be unknown, and become ready for what will be. A time of preparation by allowing things to die and become fertilizer for new growth. As we gather and support one another in being ready for Winter, we will lean into being ready, to be ready for a new dream in Spring.