Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 12:31:31 PM
Subject: Prayers from Silent Unity – Our 24 hr Prayer Ministry at Unity Village, MO
A Call For Prayer From Silent Unity
Friends, our hearts go out to each one affected by the tragedy that occurred today at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. As we pray for those in Newtown and the surrounding communities, we are joined by thousands of individuals that are contacting Silent Unity today, and by millions of others that are also responding in prayer across the globe.
Our prayers of love and comfort enfold each one of the beloved children and adults—those whose lives were abruptly ended on this earthly plane, and those whose lives are forever changed by an occurrence that we may never fully understand. While the questions of our hearts may linger, our faith is anchored and rekindled in the awareness of God’s ever-present love. It is the peace of God that passes all human understanding, and it is this peace that we envision for all those impacted by this tragedy. We hold each precious child and adult in the radiant light of God as we pray, seeing each one comforted in God’s tender love and care.
We are one with you in Spirit, dear friends, linked heart to heart in faith and prayer. What one heart may not be able to bear alone, one hundred loving hearts can bear with prayer. We are here for you, we are praying with you, and we are grateful for the gift of your loving heart.