Dear Friends,
As I write this we are about to begin a New Year, entering “January”. The word come from an old Greek God by the name of Janus. Janus has two faces on the same head; one looks at the past and one looks at the future. Many times we have that Janus nature inside of us. We have difficulty moving ahead because we are stuck in the past. To truly experience the blessings of Spirit, we must realize that we are not locked into the limitations of yesterday. While the Past is nothing to hide or run from, it is still the Past. However, the moment we live in is the PRESENT. Will we let this day be sufficient “unto itself”? If so, then there is a need to let go of our Past, otherwise we simply continue to repeat it in the Present.
For this moment to be new, we must fully live in this moment. To fully live in this moment, this moment must be all there is. It cannot be determined by what came before. This means what we can experience Now is not bound in any way by what we have experienced before.
Joy is living in this very moment and that is my wish for each one of you here at Unity by the Shore.
A Very Blessed “Now”!
Rev. Joanne