“No, thanks, I have enough stuff!” That’s what I say when asked what I want for Christmas. The gift you and I already have is that God goes with you and me wherever we go! The Christ is in every one of us. The question is “are you truly aware of this Oneness; are you ready to show up as the Being – the Divine – that Self you are? Will you accept the Invitation to “Birth a New Humanity”? During the 2012 Unity People’s Convention, Barbara Marx Hubbard’s keynote speaker asked this question. Are you and I here at Unity By the Shore passionate about “conscious evolution”?
December 22, 2012, is a focal point for the media to say something is ending. And, yes, we want something to be ending. As Rev. Michael Beckwith says “We are not trying to hold onto the world the way it is.” Let us question ourselves, each one, as to “where is my consciousness in this “dramatic moment of choice”?” Will we evolve by choice or by chance? Our commitment here at UBTS is CHOICE! “Within Unity is a radical faith that we can do the works Jesus did and greater works.” And, we share a common vision with Unity WorldWide Ministries – “a world that works for all”!
It is very clear to me that Unity By The Shore has been, and is, in a process of evolution. In so many ways, I see the many signs of the rise of empathy, spirituality, and creativity. We “work” our Core Values and Spiritual Principles and, on that “Path” we are helping to create “A New Vision for Humanity”! What greater Gift can we give to all Mankind!”
With Love and Gratitude,
Rev. Joanne
Note: UBTS is willing to be pulled by this global vision and will join the Unity WorldWide Ministries in this evolutionary leap on December 22, 2012. The “Plan” will be announced shortly but for now put it on your calendars!