Living Originally
Virtual Book Study and Spiritual Practices
November 2020 – September 2021
Day and Evening Sessions
Day Time: Thursdays 1-3 pm
Evenings: Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 pm
The meaning we typically ascribe to the word “original” is unique or one of a kind. In his book, Living Originally, Robert Brumet, states, “To live originally is to live consciously from the ever present origin of life; it is to live from the very source of all that is. This ever present origin is centered within each of us.” To live originally means to allow your Authentic Self, your Divine Nature, to be in the driver seat of your lives – to inform every choice you make.
Most people live from their conditioned identity, the personality self, which has been formed by the familiar, cultural and societal beliefs that they have been domesticated to believe about themselves. When the personality self is in the driver seat of your lives,
you seek approval, security, and happiness in the world – in your work, relationships, and in accumulating material possessions, etc.
By participating in this book study, you will discover that most of our perceived problems stem not from the world, but from a false sense of self. Living originally is the art of knowing the truth about who you are. Using the book’s 10 spiritual practices, you can rediscover your origin–your True Self. As you master the practices, you will be transformed from a false sense of self, defined by your needs and the strategies to fulfill them, into a higher consciousness. As you live from the truth of who you are, everything in your world naturally falls into harmony.
The Ten Spiritual Practices:
* Radical Self Awareness
* Deep Self-Acceptance
* Infinite Forgiveness
* Universal Benevolence
* Compassionate Communication
* Everything is my Teacher
* Dancing with Chaos
* Death is my Advisor
* Living in the Heart of Desire
* I am the Author of my Life
One of the practices will be explored each month of the series. Classes will meet 3 times a month. The first class of each practice will be a discussion and reflection of the practice with the other 2 monthly classes being a check-in and the engagement of the practice.
Schedule for November of 2020 through February of 2021
Day Time: Thursdays 1-3 pm (practice classes will be an hour to an hour and a half)
November: 12th & 19th
December: 3rd, 10th, & 17th
January: 7th, 14th, & 21st
February: 4th, 11th, & 18th
Evening: Tuesdays 6:30-8:30 pm (practice classes will be an hour to an hour and a half)
November: 17th & 24th
December: 8th,15th, & 22nd
January: 12th, 19th, & 26th
February: 9th, 16th, & 23rd
The remaining schedule will be distributed to participants in February.

Facilitated by: Rev. Angela Denton MA; P.D. MFT; LUT
Personal Investment: Love Offering
Required Book: Living Originally ~ Robert Brumet
Registration Required
Zoom Links will be sent out prior to class.