Do you ever feel that time is passing by and you are not keeping up with it? Or, are you worrying about something that may happen in the future? Or, are you feeling guilty about some-thing that happened in the past?
The truth is that you are making up these thoughts—and that’s all they are—THOUGHTS. It may not be easy tobecome aware of the PRESENT MOMENT. But you CAN train yourself to be aware of what you are thinking.
The good news is that the CONFRONTING MOMENT IS ALL THERE IS…ALL THERE EVER WAS IN YOUR LIFE…ALL THERE EVER WILL BE…AND IT IS YOUR FUTURE. Didn’t you first get the thought to take a certain action that led to the job you may have in the confronting moment? You first met the man or woman who became your spouse—in the confronting moment. You saw a book on a shelf that may have led you into Truth—in the confronting moment.
Many times human beings wait for life to become perfect, but you can start working in the confronting moment byworking with what you’ve got. Accept it, bless it, give thanks. We all have God-Given Gifts, which we can give to othersas we, together, walk this Spiritual path!
There is ABUNDANCE IN EVERY DAY, and by living in the present moment, you will experience God’s gifts.Staying in the NOW, doing your best, and participating fully today are all you need to do—to assure yourself that what’sgoing to happen tomorrow will be for your Highest Good.
Blessings—In this Sacred Moment,
Rev. Joanne Murphy