Dear Friends,
The year of 2012 is soon coming to an end. Chaos is prevalent and some say it is to be the end of the World. Others say it is the end of the World “as we knew it”. What do we here at UCBTS believe? We affirm and “see” the potential of a peaceful world right here, right now.
Jesus said the “Kingdom of God is at hand.” That was 2,000 years ago and many are still waiting for that to come. – praying and waiting for that Kingdom to appear!
As Unity students walking the spiritual path, we know it is up to us to create that change we want to see. If we yearn for
Peace in the world, WE NEED TO BE THAT PEACE; if we want Love, WE MUST BE THAT LOVE; if we want Joy, ‘WE NEED TO BE THAT JOY.
In the World we see anger and judgment with both sides accusing one another. It’s that “I’m Right, You’re Wrong” consciousness. But they are just “stories” made up in one’s mind, based on individual opinion.
However, in Unity we practice Spiritual Principles – Laws of the Universe. Refer to our third principle which reminds us that we create our world – “Human Beings create their experiences by the activity of their thinking. Everything in the manifest world has its beginnings in thoughts.”
So, together, let us create a “New World” with the intention to refrain from making judgments about the duality in the outer world of “I’m right, you’re wrong”.
We can change the world together by resolving “I AM NOT GOING TO HOLD THOSE THOUGHTS. I’M DONE WITH THAT!” Individually we ask “am I going to add to the anger, judgement and righteousness or wake up to the Truth that I am already in the Kingdom of God right here and now?. The Truth is that LIFE IS ALWAYS FOLDING AND UNFOLDING in Its Perfect way. It is that “Kingdom of God is at hand” that Jesus told us of!
In Unity we know that “thoughts held in mind produce after their kind”… and you and I get to choose what to hold in our mind. Together, as One, we make our intention to live from Divine Mind, listening through prayer and meditation to that “still, small voice”. And, then, we will experience that “New World”!
Love, Peace and Joy!
Rev. Joanne