Wow! Time flies when you’re having fun! The last time we shared with you it was a message on “Resurrection”.
Let us continue with “Resurrection” as we lift ourselves up in abundance! Jesus said “I am come that they may have life and have it abundantly.” By this he meant that we should not settle for a limited understanding of a rich and full life, for “with God, all things are possible.”
Abundance and prosperity don’t come to you. They come THROUGH you. Because thought is creative, your consciousness creates your life experiences. Do you believe that? I do, and with all my heart, soul and mind. For Divine Principles, the law of cause and effect, operate the way they do because everything in the Universe is Energy and It is all Love! All you need to do is to trust that God; Spirit is within you and always guiding you to your highest Good.
But, you need to “walk” through that “door. Patience, Perseverance and Spirit will guide you moment by moment!
May Your Know Love, Joy and Peace
Rev. Joanne